Naturopathic Medicine in San Diego
LIVV Wellness Lounge is a one-stop-shop for all your naturopathic medicine and holistic health solutions.
Established in 2016 by Dr. Jason Phan NMD and Dr. Alison Gordon NMD, this holistic medical clinic is run by some of the most accomplished naturopathic doctors in San Diego.
Other than the medical qualifications, however, what makes our holistic medical clinic thrive is the passion, dedication, and belief we have in natural medicine.
Why See A Naturopathic Doctor
You can expect the following benefits working with a Naturopathic Doctor:
What is Naturopathic Medicine?
Naturopathic Medicine has been practiced for over 100 years and is growing in popularity in individuals that are looking to optimize their health holistically. Naturopathic Medicine focuses on prevention and optimizing the patient’s own inherent self-healing processes to fight disease.
Naturopathic Medicine uses many modalities, including botanical medicine (herbs), physical medicine (hands-on), homeopathic medicine (energetic), and scientifically-researched modalities (supplements, pharmaceuticals, and IV vitamin therapy).
The key principles of Naturopathic Medicine are the prevention of disease, finding the root cause of disease, educating the patient, treating the whole person, doing no harm, and providing the body with the essential tools to cure disease – a holistic approach!
What is Naturopathic Medicine?
Prevent The Disease
Educate The Patient
Find The Root Cause
Treat The Whole Person
Do No Harm
Provide Essential Tools To Cure Disease
Meet The Doctors
Get to know our team of Naturopathic
Get to know our team of passionate and dedicated Naturopathic Doctors, committed to providing holistic health solutions through natural medicine.