What is autoimmune disease?
What are the symptoms of autoimmune disease?
What can I do to feel better?
What alternative treatments are there?
Which autoimmune therapy wins?
Autoimmune therapy is a lifeline for around 24 million people in the US.
Pharmaceutical medications typically offer concerning side effects. Luckily, there are some promising alternative treatments. They include ozone, precise IV combinations, and peptide treatments. People claim incredible results using these modern methods.
We explain autoimmune disease, the symptoms, and how to feel better.
What is autoimmune disease?
Autoimmunity refers to a natural reaction that targets your own cells or tissues. The immune system attacks healthy cells by mistake, causing long-term damage. The runaway autoimmune response can trigger systemic inflammation.
This system generally protects against external germs, infection, or disease. Sometimes, it produces autoantibodies that attack healthy cells.
The resulting damage is autoimmune disease. Scientists have found over 100 different forms of the illness. Examples include rheumatoid arthritis (RA), Crohn’s disease, diabetes, and multiple sclerosis (MS).
Some people are predisposed to getting an autoimmune disease:
- Women are more susceptible to autoimmune diseases than men.
- Certain races and ethnicities are more prone to problems. White people commonly have diabetes, while lupus affects more Hispanics and African-Americans.
- Many inflammatory autoimmune diseases are hereditary. You may be genetically predisposed to some conditions.
- Your environment could make you more likely to develop an autoimmune disease. The potential increases with continued exposure to solvents, chemicals, and sunlight. Viral or bacterial infections also elevate your chances.
What are the symptoms of autoimmune disease?
It can take time and patience to get an accurate diagnosis. Many autoimmune illnesses share general symptoms that include:
- Fatigue
- Fever
- Dizziness
- Skin rash
- Muscle and joint pain
- Fluid retention
- Focus issues
- Tingling in the extremities
Some inflammatory autoimmune diseases, like psoriasis and RA, see symptoms come and go. A severe episode is a flare, while mild states are remission.
These diseases are virtually exclusive to developed nations. There’s evidence that “training” your immunity may help. People exposed to dirt, bugs, and infection are less likely to develop autoimmune issues.
Low-profile allergens, environmental toxins, diet, stress, and infection can lead to autoimmune disease.
What can I do to feel better?
Living with autoimmune disease isn’t easy. Conventional autoimmune therapy options can bring side effects that make you feel worse.
Anti-inflammatories, steroids, and immunosuppressants may cause intestinal bleeding, depression, muscle loss, and psychosis. Pharmaceutical options may lead to kidney failure, osteoporosis, diabetes, and cancer. It may be time to change treatment strategies.
Drugs aren’t a long-term solution, but they can reduce inflammation in the short-term. They provide a window while you figure out and treat the root cause. Particular lifestyle choices could improve your daily wellbeing.
Incorporate regular physical exercise
Check with your doctor, but low-impact training could work for you. Many patients choose a gentle program. They exercise muscles and joints with long-term pain and functional problems. Don’t push too hard.
Eat healthy
Well-balanced meals are vital. Regular portions of fruits and vegetables boost vitamin intake. Include lean protein sources and whole grains. Restrict salt and sugar intake and minimize fats and cholesterol.
Minimize stress
Stress and anxiety can exacerbate symptoms. Inflammatory autoimmune disease can induce a flare. Consider meditation, yoga, or self-help guides to reduce daily triggers.
Get good sleep
Rest is vital for muscles and joints to recover and repair themselves. Sufficient sleep allows your body to react to illness or injury optimally. It improves physical and mental health and minimizes stress.
What alternative treatments are there?
There are several alternative treatments available. Find a naturopathic doctor, like Dr. Jason Phan or Dr. Alison Gordon of LIVV Natural. They’re passionate about helping people reach optimum wellness.
Get comprehensive blood work done to determine the root cause. An explicit diagnosis is vital to choosing the right autoimmune therapy.
Ozone therapy presents therapeutic benefits through oxidation. Medical ozone (O₃) may inactivate some microorganisms, like bacteria, viruses, and protozoa.
Highly trained specialists offer blood ozone or ozone sufflation. Blood ozone or IV therapy introduces the gas directly into the bloodstream. It could provide systemic effects. Sufflation involves introducing the gas into a body cavity for a local reaction.
High-dose vitamin C
Intravenous high-dose vitamin C treatments absorb 100% of the compound in your body. Oral supplements can’t match that efficiency.
Scientists have used vitamin C since the 1970s to slow cancer growth. It may boost the immune system and improve physical, mental, and emotional function. It’s effective for fatigue, pain, nausea, and appetite loss.
High doses aid with infections, fibromyalgia, arthritis, allergies, and autoimmune diseases. It’s a natural antihistamine and a potent antioxidant. It could also promote thyroid health.
Peptide therapy
Peptide therapy is a popular and effective method that treats several conditions, including autoimmune disease. It could improve your autoimmune response and reduce inflammation. It may also elevate general health and regulate crucial functions.
Natural peptide levels decrease as you age. This therapy restores volume to improve the body’s functionality. Most people use injections, but topical creams and oral supplements are also popular.
The best peptide therapies operate by forming channels on the cell membrane. It allows the cells to internalize the peptides to use the healing properties.
Treatments are unique and take your individuality into account. Clinicians customize them to suit each person’s needs. Peptide autoimmune therapy may bolster the immune system and reduce inflammation. It could help manage symptoms and advance tissue repair.
Peptides get to the root of the problem instead of masking the symptoms. Autoimmune diseases are chronic and debilitating. A range of peptides may treat different autoimmune diseases.
Thymosin Beta-4
Thymosin Beta-4 has several uses. This peptide could help with inflammatory pain or muscle loss. It’s an anti-inflammatory that boosts T-cell function to improve the autoimmune response.
BPC-157 is a popular option, especially for its anti-inflammatory effects. Many sports people claim this peptide reduces pain and improves connective tissue problems. It may treat issues with ligaments, tendons, or even joints.
Thymalin excites the thymus, causing it to produce special T-cells. They’re shown to regulate or reset the immune system to fight off infection, antigens, and viruses.
LL-37 offers antifungal, antiviral, and antibacterial protection. Trials show this peptide helps improve the immune system by eliminating antigens.
Which autoimmune therapy wins?
Autoimmune disease affects millions of people in the USA. The autoimmune response gets confused and starts attacking healthy cells. Most of these disorders aren’t curable, but you can treat symptoms and manage the disease.
While pharmaceuticals may provide relief, they don’t treat the root causes. The potential for side effects is also high.
LIVV Natural offers naturopathic options. Ozone therapy, peptide therapy, and IV vitamin combinations provide effective and safe treatments. They allow you to live your best life. Book a consultation for peak physical and mental performance.
Author: Dr. Jason Phan NMD – Founder of LIVV Natural – Anti-aging – regenerative medicine – peptide therapy