
Neurodegenerative diseases (parkinsons + multiple sclerosis + alzheimers) – how to potentially reverse


An overview of the most common neurodegenerative diseases
Potential remedies to reverse neurodegenerative diseases
Get painless treatments affordably at LIVV Natural

Are neurodegenerative diseases a death sentence? They don’t have to be if you take guided, proactive steps.

These conditions affect millions of people worldwide. Their most notable setback is reducing your quality of life. You may become dependent on others for even the most routine tasks.

The most diagnosed neurodegenerative disorders are Alzheimer’s disease and Parkinson’s disease. Their symptoms range from mobility and sleep issues to cognitive impairment. They’re typically progressive and may worsen with age.

The sooner you detect these symptoms, the faster you can improve and stabilize them.

Where do you begin? Some people go for prescription medications. Others stick to specific diets and exercise routines to minimize disease development.

There’s also a third group that you should aim to be part of. These folks work with natural, lab-tested solutions to avoid adverse side effects.

Are you looking for remedies with neuroprotective ability? Peptides and micronutrient supplements are excellent options if you want affordability and customization. Discover the leading treatments and how they could reverse symptoms.

An overview of the most common neurodegenerative diseases

Neurodegenerative diseases are medical conditions that affect parts of your nervous system.

These chronic disorders often target the brain, damaging it over time. Nerve cells in your brain or peripheral nervous system degenerate and eventually die.

Most neurodegenerative disorders develop gradually. Their effects may manifest later in life. The progressive damage affects cells essential to coordination, mobility, strength, and cognition.

Initially, these anomalies felt like a death sentence, as they were incurable and for life. Many conditions are now treatable owing to life-changing medical advances.

Current treatments focus on reducing physical and mental symptoms. Scientists have found a few ways to slow disease progress and improve quality of life. Most remedies aim to combat:

  • Abnormal movements
  • Sleep problems
  • Coordination difficulties
  • Breathing issues
  • Heart problems
  • Cognitive dysfunction
  • Mood swings

How widespread are neurodegenerative disorders? The World Health Organization says neurological conditions impact nearly one billion people globally.

These diseases can affect anyone and usually cause over six million deaths annually. Most fatalities arise from a lack of early interventions and treatment.

Chances of acquiring a neurodegenerative condition may rise with age. It’s imperative to err on the side of caution by learning symptoms and how to prevent them.

The risk of developing these disorders mainly depends on your genetics and environment. Your genes may carry the disease, but environmental exposure determines its severity.

Mind your exposure to chemicals, pollution, toxins, and some infections. These factors may increase your susceptibility to neurodegeneration.

A medical history of cancer and head injuries may contribute to neurodegenerative disorders. Severe influenza cases and other microbial infections could also increase your exposure. These attacks trigger inflammation within your central nervous system (CNS).

The symptoms of neurodegenerative disorders may vary widely, since:

  • Different people’s brains are unique
  • Their causes vary
  • They depend on the affected part

Below, we highlight the most prevalent neurodegenerative disorders and their symptoms.

Alzheimer’s disease

Alzheimer’s disease is a brain condition that affects thinking, memory, and behavior. It shrinks the brain, leading to the eventual death of brain cells. This disorder is the greatest contributor to dementia.

Nearly 6.5 million Americans live with Alzheimer’s disease. Its symptoms may include:

  • Memory loss
  • Poor judgment
  • Behavioral and personality changes
  • Difficulty finishing tasks
  • Increased aggression and anxiety
  • Difficulty concentrating
  • Wandering
  • Losing track of time and events

A recent study reveals dementia cases could triple by 2050 globally if we don’t address risk factors. As of 2019, the numbers were 57 million; by 2050, they may shoot to 153 million or higher.

Alzheimer’s disease is among the top risk elements of dementia. Knowing how to handle its symptoms might help you avoid becoming a future statistic.

Parkinson’s disease

Parkinson’s disease is a neurological disorder that causes uncontrollable movements. You may experience unintended stiffness, shaking, tremors, and balance difficulties.

It’s the second most prevalent neurodegenerative disorder after Alzheimer’s disease. Its incidence rises with age, and symptoms typically worsen with time.

Parkinson’s disease progression causes difficulty in talking and walking. Other signs may include:

  • Behavioral and mental changes
  • Sleep challenges
  • Emotional fluctuations and depression
  • Fatigue
  • Memory issues
  • Impaired coordination
  • Difficulty chewing and swallowing
  • Skin problems

Parkinson’s disease affects about one million Americans. The Parkinson’s Foundation expects this number to grow significantly by 2030.

Multiple sclerosis (MS)

Multiple sclerosis (MS) is a chronic condition that affects the central nervous system. It’s an autoimmune disease that attacks your brain and spinal cord. It destroys parts of myelin, the fatty tissue shielding nerve fibers. Myelin causes scar tissue known as sclerosis.

About 1.8 million people globally live with MS. This anomaly affects your cognitive, sensory, motor, emotional, and visual functions. Its symptoms may include:

  • Fatigue
  • Vision difficulties
  • Depression
  • Muscle stiffness
  • Urination problems
  • Numbness in the legs and arms
  • Difficulty keeping balance
  • Cognitive issues
  • Trouble walking
  • Mood swings

Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS)

Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) is a neurological condition that impacts motor neurons.

Motor neurons are nerve cells in your spinal cord and brain that control muscle mobility. These neurons may degenerate and die, blocking muscle signaling.

Your muscles start weakening and may twitch and waste away. Ultimately, your brain can’t trigger and control voluntary muscle movement. Common ALS symptoms include:

  • Dropping things
  • Tripping and falling
  • Twitching muscles in the shoulder, legs, arms, or tongue
  • Stiff muscles
  • Slurred speech
  • Difficulty chewing
  • Continuous fatigue
  • Trouble walking
  • Behavioral changes

About 5,000 people develop ALS annually in the United States. It’s more prevalent among older adults, especially those from age 55 onwards.

Potential remedies to reverse neurodegenerative diseases

You can’t recover from neurodegenerative disorders overnight, but you can ease the symptoms. There are various medications for these conditions, most of which are symptomatic. Some folks prefer cholinesterase inhibitors, while others opt for gene therapy.

Some patients don’t respond well to over-the-counter treatments. LIVV Natural leverages this setback with organic remedies that have minimal side effects. From micronutrient supplements to proven peptides, we’ve got the solutions you seek.

Check out some popular treatments for neurodegenerative disorders below. Pick one that aligns with your unique symptoms for positive results.

Stem cell therapy

Stem cells generate other body cells with specialized functions. They’re the only cells in the body that produce new cell types naturally. They exist in tiny amounts in most adult tissues, like fat and bone marrow. These cells also occur in embryos in larger quantities.

Researchers are currently studying stem cells to:

  • Understand the origin of diseases
  • Empower regenerative medicine (generate new cells to replace diseased ones)
  • Test emerging medications for effectiveness and safety

These unique cells are a goldmine, as doctors can guide them into forming new specific cells. They then use the fresh cells in patients to repair and regenerate damaged tissues. This cycle makes up stem cell therapy or regenerative therapy.

This specialized therapy may favor people with:

  • Parkinson’s disease
  • Alzheimer’s disease
  • Spinal cord injuries
  • Stroke
  • Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis
  • Heart disease

Doctors actively explore this therapy as a substitute for organ transplantation. They argue it’s easier to regenerate healthy cells than find donor organs.

To perform stem cell therapy, doctors grow and manipulate cells in the lab. They can produce any cell type, including nerve cells and heart muscle cells.

After lab production, your physician implants the new specialized cells into your system. They usually target the area affected by a neurodegenerative disorder. This exercise replaces damaged, dying, or dead neurons to reverse severe symptoms.

Besides regenerating neural tissue, stem cell therapy also:

  • Stabilizes your neuronal networks
  • Provides neurotrophic support
  • Eliminates neurodegeneration

At LIVV Natural, we offer exosomes, a personalized version of stem cell therapy. It targets specific or body-wide tissue for rejuvenation. Exosomes are tiny vesicles that improve cell-to-cell communication throughout your body.

Optimizing this transmission leads to better cell communication and functionality. Enhanced intracellular signaling could stimulate the body’s self-healing ability.

Genetic disorders, age, and environmental factors can reduce exosome activity in the body. Cell signaling then becomes impaired. Inflammation increases and causes delayed healing. The aftermath is pain and degeneration. We perform exosomal therapy to:

  • Reduce inflammation and pain
  • Enhance tissue regeneration
  • Promote immune regulation
  • Enhance metabolic function

Many of our patients report reduced progression of neurodegenerative diseases afterward.


Nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide, or NAD+, is an essential coenzyme in the body. It supports redox reactions and energy metabolism. This compound occurs in all body cells and helps transform nutrients into energy. Think of it as an enabler of other cellular processes.

Could NAD+ benefit neurodegenerative disorders? Possibly, yes. This compound helps other molecules, like neurotransmitters, do their jobs efficiently.

Think of neurotransmitters as chemical messengers within your body. They’re part of your nervous system, helping relay messages from nerve cells to target cells.

These messages keep your body functional and all parts moving. Then, picture NAD+ in the background as the fuel that gets the signals delivered faster.

An animal study shows that NAD+ supplementation enhances mitochondrial function during aging. Mitochondria produce the energy needed to power cells. This intervention improves neuronal or nerve cell survival and cognitive power.

Put simply, NAD+ protects cells from stress while boosting their longevity. The more your nerve cells stay active, the longer neurotransmission occurs.

NAD+ could keep your neurotransmitters functional for long. Ensuring these messengers work correctly may prevent anxiety and Parkinson’s disease. Eating a balanced diet, exercising regularly, and managing stress also enhances neurotransmission.

Some studies show that NAD+ may slow aging. The risk of most neurodegenerative disorders rises with age.

The intervention of NAD+ supplements supports cellular metabolism, sustaining crucial physiological processes. Your immune response and cognitive function stay optimal.

Some research also shows that impaired DNA repair proteins may contribute to neurodegeneration. NAD+ supplementation is crucial to preserving DNA integrity, potentially delaying neurodegeneration.


Cerebrolysin is among the top peptides that might help with neurodegenerative conditions. It’s sought after for its potential to promote neuron growth and protection.

This compound comprises tiny peptides and free amino acids. These small peptides, or neuropeptides, occur when enzymes break down lipid-free brain products.

Cerebrolysin boasts a balance of peptide fragments and selective neurotrophic factors. It can mimic neurotrophins and trigger certain pathways to stimulate neuroprotection and neuroregeneration. It has the advantage of swift penetration to the spinal cord and brain.

A study explored the burden of concussions to propose an effective therapeutic alternative. The researchers discovered Cerebrolysin may be a worthy solution. Besides treating concussions, this compound also enhances the quality of life.

Concussions usually alter the balance of inhibitory and excitatory amino acid neurotransmitters. This disruption affects the central nervous system and could cause brain pathology. Scientists link brain pathology to stroke, multiple sclerosis, epilepsy, and headaches.

Findings show Cerebrolysin restores amino acid balance in the CNS after concussion. This compound contains active peptides and some neurotrophic factors. The combination could be essential to reverse injury-related dysfunctional behaviors.

The researchers administered the peptide to rats after 4–72 hours post-injury. Repeated doses created a dose-dependent neuroprotection against concussion effects. They also enhanced behavioral functions.

Remember, the neuroprotective effects of Cerebrolysin depend on the dose and timing. Delayed administration after a head injury may affect the peptide’s efficacy.

Another study shows that Cerebrolysin could enhance the effects of stem cell therapy. This compound may protect grafted neural stem cells and boost their survival. These results are promising, especially for patients with Alzheimer’s disease.

Other functions of Cerebrolysin include reducing oxidative stress. It scavenges free radicals, all while promoting protein synthesis to boost neuronal survival. It also enhances oxygen consumption and metabolism in neuronal tissue.

Some studies say this compound is a mood stabilizer. It may alleviate the mood swings and aggression caused by neurodegenerative disorders.


Many scientists believe Semax is a safe peptide for brain health. It’s an analog of the adrenocorticotropic hormone (ACTH). Put simply, it’s a nootropic neuroprotective peptide that helps treat brain issues.

Some studies say ACTH prevents neurocognitive impairment in patients with Cushing’s syndrome. The presence of ACTH in Semax could enhance mental performance, cognition, and memory. It might also help with neuropsychiatric disorders like seizures and dementia.

An animal study shows that Semax may enhance gene expression of the immune system. Researchers noted a significant difference in the amount and movement of immune cells.

This action shows that Semax carries neuroprotective effects. It could improve your immune response to neurodegenerative disorders.

The study says Semax can also improve the operation of genes linked to the vascular system. This intervention results in smoother oxygen and nutrients delivery to the brain. Supplying these two elements in time keeps your brain function optimal.

Further evidence proves that the neuroprotective ability of Semax can combat cerebral ischemia. This condition is the leading contributor to brain impairment as it affects neurotransmission.

Semax suppresses the expression of inflammation-related genes. Instead, it activates the expression of genes that aid in neurotransmission.


Dihexa is a natural peptide that helps stimulate your brain’s neurotransmitters. It boasts nootropic and neurogenic properties, which might aid brain function.

Nootropics particularly enhance your concentration, memory, attention, and motivation. Doctors often recommend them to people with dementia, Alzheimer’s disease, and narcolepsy.

Some research studies say Dihexa can avert cognitive impairment and preserve memory. Scientists recommend the peptide to people with Alzheimer’s disease. They gave it to mice and noted it restored cognitive function and spatial learning.

Dihexa also boosts neuronal cells and the expression of synaptophysin (SYP) protein. Optimal SYP levels improve synaptic plasticity, empowering memory formation.

Another study says Dihexa restores motor function in people with Parkinson’s disease. This peptide activates the hepatocyte growth factor (HGF). HGF helps protect and regenerate tissue in the body. It:

  • Shields nerve cells from harm
  • Enhances nerve cell connections
  • Promotes production of fresh neurons from stem cells

Restoration of lost motor function may slow the symptoms of Parkinson’s disease.


Pinealon is among our top peptides for learning, memory, and overall brain health. It could also help with neuroprotection and reverse aging signs.

A recent animal study proves the efficacy of Pinealon’s neuroprotective ability. Scientists treated rat offspring with hyperhomocysteinemia using this peptide. They noted an improved cognitive function.

The offspring’s cerebellum neurons also showed increased resistance to oxidative stress. The tiny rats displayed enhanced spatial learning and orientation.

Further scientific evidence proves Pinealon restricts the accumulation of reactive oxygen species. By this action, it protects pheochromocytoma cells, neutrophils, and cerebellar granule cells. Pinealon also minimizes necrotic cell death significantly.

Combating oxidative damage through this peptide shields your neuronal systems from neurodegenerative disorders. Necrotic cell death also contributes to these conditions. Preventing it may reinforce your treatment efforts.

How do you lower the risk of neurodegenerative diseases?

While unpredictable and almost unpreventable, you can lower the risk of neurodegenerative disorders. These conditions arise from a mixture of factors. There are a few actions you can take to reduce contributing elements, including:

  • Maintain physical activity and healthy weight. Your activity intensity and body weight can impact your brain function. Weight-related and metabolic issues like high blood pressure and diabetes may also contribute.
  • Stick to a healthy diet. How you eat can impact your brain health. Lack of a balanced diet makes you more prone to neurodegenerative disorders. It may also cause other contributing conditions like stroke.
  • Protect your head. Put on proper safety gear as necessary. Head injuries like traumatic brain wounds and concussions pose a high deterioration risk.
  • Schedule regular appointments at LIVV Natural. You probably brush your teeth every day or several times each day. Why not see your naturopathic doctor as often? You’d be surprised how many medical issues you can catch in their early stages.

Get painless treatments affordably at LIVV Natural

You’ve probably heard enough bad news about neurodegenerative diseases all along. It’s time for some good news: neurodegenerative conditions aren’t the end of life. Don’t despair. There are various scientific solutions that could potentially ease your symptoms.

Managing symptoms doesn’t provide an instant cure but improves your quality of life. You become more aware of your environmental exposure and take precautions. There’s no known cause of these disorders except that they could be genetic.

Your best bet is to leverage prevention as much as possible. Here are a few tips: keep a healthy weight and stay physically active. Maintain a balanced diet and always shield your head against traumatic brain injuries.

Once you minimize head injury risks, focus on stabilizing and reversing symptoms. There are several painless ways to delay disease progression. You can supplement your body with essential micronutrients or beneficial peptides.

Top recommendations include NAD+, Dihexa, Pinealon, and exosomal therapy. Not sure how to choose the best solution? Book a consultation with us today. Our naturopathic doctors will listen to your needs and curate a personalized solution.

Author: Dr. Jason Phan NMD – Founder of LIVV Natural – Anti-aging – regenerative medicine – peptide therapy