
Our number one priority is for you to reach your personal health goals, whatever they may be! LIVV offers different memberships that include a variety of patient benefits.


Why sign up for a membership?

You can expect the following benefits when you join one of our Exclusive Memberships

Depending on which membership fits your needs best, our memberships can save you money on consults, blood work, supplements etc.

All patients on memberships have the luxury of having a personal patient care coordinator with their contact info and direct phone number.

Our patient care coordinators ensure your treatment protocol is being followed accordingly by keeping track of all appointments, blood work, and prescriptions. This has shown quicker desired results due to consistency of following the treatment plan/package.

LIVV To Give

LIVVs mission was to change healthcare and make natural medicine more accessible to patients & this is how we plan on doing it!

Purchase a concierge membership and give one away!

Choose a person in your network that would benefit from natural medicine.

It’s as simple as that.


Dr. Jason Phan

Conditions Treated

  • Hormone replacement therapy
  • Autoimmune disease
  • Anti-aging
  • Men’s wellness
  • Women’s wellness
  • Chronic disease

Interested in joining one of our memberships?

Book a time to speak with one of our team members!

Membership Options

Doctor Concierge

Having a doctor on your medical team that cares about you is of the utmost importance. A doctor that gets at the root cause of your health & motivates you to become your best self. A doctor that is accessible and trustworthy. LIVV provides concierge medical services that include bloodwork, medical consultations, alternative therapies, peptides, hormones, and much more. Check out our concierge doctors!

Why join a LIVV Membership?

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Personal Wellness Concierge

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Exclusive Perks

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Additional Savings

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Fast-Track Your Results

Hear from our patients

Ready to join a membership?

Book a time to speak with one of our team members!