Post covid symptoms – shortness of breathe + chest pain + heart palpitations – what do I do

Long covid symptoms. Understanding how to combat long covic symptoms


Understanding long COVID: Does it pose a greater risk?
Potential treatments for long COVID symptoms
Choose LIVV Natural for personalized therapies

Are you dealing with long COVID symptoms and seeking a way out? The onset of COVID-19 in late 2019 left the world devastated. Its unforeseen mutations months later shook the world to its core.

Surprisingly, many people still experience post-COVID-19 signs long after the pandemic’s decline. This disease is stubborn and may linger in your body based on the robustness of your immune function.

Scientists are far from taking a sigh of relief. They’re busy trying to understand COVID-19’s mutations and emerging symptoms. Many research studies show the efficacy of natural remedies in managing symptoms.

Symptoms like fatigue, muscle pain, and heart issues may respond to natural therapies. Correct administration and dosage define your treatment results. Work with experienced naturopaths who take the time to understand your unique symptoms.

Discover the nagging symptoms of long COVID and potential therapies to counter them.

Understanding long COVID: Does it pose a greater risk?

While the COVID-19 pandemic has been declining, it’s still a threat as it could mutate. The world’s natural immunity has strengthened thanks to numerous vaccines. Death rates have also reduced significantly. Life as we knew it is slowly regaining normalcy.

But are we out of the woods just yet? Although there’s light at the end of the tunnel, it’s too soon to assume victory. There’s still a significant threat staring at the world: long COVID or post-COVID-19.

As the name sounds, this condition behaves like a prolonged COVID-19 version. It’s a continuation or emergence of new COVID symptoms after initial infection. The fresh severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus-2 (SARS-CoV-2) signs may last for months.

COVID-19 patients with mild symptoms typically feel better after one to two weeks. They may recover fully within three months. Any symptoms beyond this duration qualify for post-COVID-19 diagnosis. Surprisingly, some folks may experience signs for up to two years.

Post-COVID-19 can affect anyone who comes into contact with SARS-CoV-2. Your age or previous symptoms don’t matter. The World Health Organization (WHO) estimates that 10–20% of COVID patients get long COVID. These numbers were higher when the pandemic first struck.

What are the symptoms of long COVID?

Research is underway to understand the symptoms of post-COVID-19 and their remedies. Scientists characterize the persistence of COVID-19 primarily by:

  • Shortness of breath
  • Chest pain or tightness
  • Fatigue
  • Muscle aches
  • Difficulty concentrating
  • Heart palpitations
  • Fluctuating heart rate
  • Headaches
  • Dizziness
  • Persistent cough
  • Sore throat
  • Amnesia

Are you sure it’s long COVID?

Some post-COVID-19 symptoms need further examination as they resemble other conditions. Let’s highlight a few signs that may require clarity from a medical specialist below.

Post-COVID heart palpitations

COVID-induced heart palpitations make your heart flutter, pound, or beat irregularly. You may experience this effect in your throat, neck, or chest. Some studies of post-COVID-19 patients say over 11% had heart palpitations.

The tricky part is that this heart response occurs even in non-COVID patients. Get checked for COVID-19 if your palpitations prolong or become worse. Otherwise, it may be an issue with your autonomic nervous system due to anxiety.

Fluctuating heart rate

Have you noted any changes to your heart rate after the pandemic era? Do you have a rapid or fast heartbeat? This phenomenon is a common response to illness, fever, new medication, or stress.

Many post-COVID patients experience a fast heart rate and fatigue after exercise. Temporary heartbeat fluctuations aren’t a cause for concern, only persistent ones.

Post-COVID chest pain

Chest pain is among the most common post-COVID-19 symptoms, but is it always so? Sometimes, you could be dealing with angina pectoris. This condition has a characteristic pain in the chest. You may feel tightness, heaviness, or immense pressure from a massive load.

Other times, post-COVID-19 chest pain is a sign of more serious issues with your heart or lungs. Seek medical advice if you have chest pain that comes and goes.

Long COVID fatigue

Lasting fatigue after COVID-19 is another common symptom that gets misdiagnosed. How do you tell it’s post-COVID-19? You may notice a sudden change in interest and passion. The things you once enjoyed doing now feel exhausting.

Simple tasks like elevating the stairs, gardening, or dishwashing leave you feeling weak. You may also notice being consistently active exhausts you faster than before.

Shortness of breath

Heart attack and COVID-19 may have similar symptoms, so how do you assess shortness of breath?

For post-COVID-19, this symptom usually worsens when lying down or upon exertion. You may also experience fatigue or ankle swelling.

Is there a long COVID test to know for sure?

There isn’t a one-size-fits-all diagnosis for long COVID symptoms. At LIVV Natural, we may recommend separate tests to understand your condition. Each symptom could affect you differently, so we aim to rule out other possible causes.

Your diagnosis may include:

  • X-ray of the chest
  • Blood tests
  • Blood pressure checks
  • Heart rate checks
  • Electrocardiogram (ECG) tests to examine different heart conditions
  • Pulse oximetry test to quantify the levels of oxygen in your blood
  • Stress test (exercise tolerance test)

Ongoing COVID research is promising. We believe a simple blood test will be enough to diagnose post-COVID-19 soon.

Potential treatments for long COVID symptoms

Are you experiencing post-COVID headaches or chest pain? There isn’t a single medication or treatment for post-COVID-19 at the moment. The good news is that you aren’t beyond saving. There are several remedies to relieve most of your symptoms for a painless recovery.

Below are our top seven recommendations at LIVV Natural.

1. Ozone therapy

Ozone therapy is a remedy that administers ozone gas into your body to treat a disease or wound. This gas is colorless and comprises three oxygen atoms that help speed recovery.

Scientific evidence shows ozone therapy can treat certain medical conditions with expert application. It stimulates your immune function, helping you counter harmful symptoms. It could also be essential for disinfection.

As the gas interacts with lipids, it may trigger mild oxidative stress. This action increases:

  • Antioxidants production
  • Oxygen delivery
  • Immune responses
  • Local or tissue perfusion (volume of blood flow within tissue)

A recent narrative review observes ozone contains antiviral properties that may counter SARS-CoV-2. It enhances the operation of antiviral medications in two ways:

  • Inhibiting virus multiplication
  • Directly inactivating viruses

The research says combining ozone with antivirals benefits COVID-19 patients. It may lower lung damage and inflammation.

This unique immunological ability makes ozone therapy a potential solution to post-COVID-19. Lung damage is among the most severe repercussions of this condition. Ozone therapy may slow down or reverse the extent of the damage.

SARS-CoV-2 infections can also cause persistent inflammation. Ozone therapy’s ability to control and reduce inflammation is a potential cure.

Another study of 100 COVID-19 patients shows ozone therapy can reduce lasting fatigue by up to 67%. It also restores normal functionality and relieves pain from COVID-19-related fatigue.

Ozone’s interaction with body fluids boosts red blood cells and protein levels. This action increases oxygen supply to overcome fatigue and body weakness.

At LIVV Natural, we offer customized ozone therapies per your unique needs. From 10-pass ozone to nasal ozone insufflation, our advanced ozone machine is versatile. We administer this treatment intravenously. A session can last for 1–2 hours tops.

We recommend taking up to ten sessions of ozone therapy in post-COVID-19 patients. This cycle may help you enhance immunity, rebuild antioxidants, and regain strength.

Ozone therapy could minimize the chances of COVID-19 recurrence significantly. Recovery might take 5–8 days.

2. Alpha-lipoic acid

Alpha-lipoic acid is a naturally occurring antioxidant inside your body’s mitochondrion. It also exists in foods and helps in carbohydrate breakdown and energy production. Common foods containing this compound include carrots, red meat, spinach, and potatoes.

This acid also exists in dietary supplements. Its antioxidant properties help preserve the brain’s normal functioning. They could also benefit some liver conditions.

Many diabetes patients use alpha-lipoic acid to ease nerve pain. It might also favor those with obesity and aging skin. The versatility of this acid’s application arises from its ability to dissolve in both fat and water. It interacts with all cells and tissue in your body.

Alpha-lipoic acid may counter some long COVID symptoms as it can reduce inflammation.

A clinical trial study establishes the relationship between this acid and inflammation. The organic compound decreases C-reactive protein (CRP) levels in non-diabetic people. CRP is an inflammation marker produced by your liver. It rises with inflammation.

Scientific evidence shows alpha-lipoic acid also scavenges free radicals. These molecules could cause oxidative stress if left unchecked. Oxidative damage may lead to chronic inflammation and escalate the symptoms of post-COVID-19.

Another study of 174 patients shows a combo of coenzyme Q10 and alpha-lipoic acid helps. Both therapies work together to counter chronic COVID syndrome and oxidative stress.

This treatment has minimal side effects like itching, nausea, and rashes. Mind your dosage. Extremely high doses can revive symptoms like oxidative stress.

3. Wolverine Protocol

The Wolverine Protocol is among our most comprehensive therapies. It comprises BPC 157 and Thymosin Beta peptides. It’s a natural alternative to painkillers, thanks to its potential to relieve body aches.

It could also promote the body’s innate healing ability. We recommend this therapy as it addresses the cause of pain rather than masking symptoms.

Some research studies show BPC 157 can enhance the clinical management of long COVID. This peptide boasts anti-inflammatory and cytoprotective properties.

It also shields your endothelium from free radicals. Resisting inflammation may help you cope with post-COVID-19 painlessly.

Scientists also claim BPC 157 activates endothelial nitric oxide synthase (eNOS). This compound helps with tissue repair and the formation of blood vessels. It leads to enhanced immune responses and blood vessel integrity.

Are you experiencing muscle aches and weakness? Another study shows BPC 157 aids muscle healing and recovery of smooth functioning. It also counters the risk of heart failure, vascular damage, and lung lesions.

Thymosin Beta is a tiny peptide famous for its unique ability to speed up wound healing. It also improves cardiac function; it could help with COVID-related heart palpitations.

This naturally occurring compound contains 43 amino acids. It features in all cells and tissues except the red blood cells. Its main advantage is its regenerative power on injured body cells and tissues.

Once an injury occurs in the body, platelets and macrophages release Thymosin Beta. This response protects tissues and cells from further damage and inflammation. The regenerative potential of Thymosin Beta could minimize COVID-related harm to your lungs.

4. LL-37

LL-37 is a tiny peptide with many hats. It’s a potential antiviral, antifungal, and antibacterial medication. Some research claims this peptide modulates inflammatory and immune pathways. It may help counter most inflammatory diseases like long COVID.

Like most antimicrobial peptides, LL-37 comes from monocytes, neutrophils, and macrophages. It’s an innate part of your immune system, helping you ward off viral infections like SARS-CoV-2.

Are you experiencing post-COVID dizziness due to persistent inflammation? We recommend this peptide therapy.

5. High-dose vitamin C

High-dose vitamin C carries immense medical potential that could benefit post-COVID-19 patients.

The body doesn’t produce this compound. You can only get it from dietary supplements or foods like citrus fruits. We administer it orally or via intravenous (IV) infusion.

A study on young adults proves that high-dose vitamin C contains antioxidant properties. The youngsters took 1250 mg of vitamin C daily for eight weeks.

This intake enhanced antioxidant activity in the serum during the eight weeks. It also reduced reactive oxygen species in the body.

The anti-inflammatory action could counter COVID-related oxidative damage. High-dose vitamin C also displays anti-atherosclerotic effects. It may shield your body from cardiovascular diseases.

Some studies link cardiovascular conditions to more severe forms of COVID-19. This virus can also contribute to heart disease. High-dose vitamin C might be the mediator to slow down COVID-related heart complications.

6. Glutathione

Glutathione originates from the liver. It’s a product of three amino acids: glutamic acid, glycine, and cysteine. This organic compound helps in immune function, and tissue growth and repair.

Scientists at Baylor College of Medicine say low glutathione escalates long COVID symptoms. They compared human samples taken before and after the pandemic. The researchers noted COVID-19 patients had significantly:

  • Higher levels of oxidative stress
  • Increased rates of oxidant damage
  • Reduced glutathione levels

The findings say glutathione supplementation may reduce COVID-related oxidative stress. They also show that the implications of glutathione deficiency get worse with age. The body’s ability to neutralize free radicals drops, exposing you to cellular damage.

Further scientific evidence shows low glutathione levels increase viral multiplication. This deficiency is also responsible for thrombosis (blood clots) and inflammation. Once blood clots block veins, you get limited oxygen and are prone to respiratory issues.

Why not just replenish your glutathione? Guided therapies to improve glutathione may reduce the severity and fatality of post-COVID-19.

7. NAD+

NAD+, or nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide, is a coenzyme found in all body cells. It’s essential in converting nutrients into energy and aiding metabolism. This compound influences many cellular processes directly or indirectly. It may help with DNA repair and immune cell function.

A recent research review proves NAD+ is a promising therapy for long COVID. It regulates your immune responses during viral infections to reinforce your defenses. Boosting NAD+ levels promotes antiviral protection, all while curbing uncontrolled inflammation.

Once NAD+ enters your bloodstream, it activates mitochondrial function. You get an immediate spike in energy levels after your therapy. This increased power leads to mental clarity and reduced COVID-related fatigue.

We typically undertake this therapy for up to two weeks based on your unique goals. Its side effects are mild and transient, including itching, nausea, bloating, and sweating.

Remember, prevention is better than cure. Here are a few golden tips to protect yourself and loved ones from long COVID symptoms:

  • Consider trusted COVID-19 vaccines and boosters
  • Wash hands regularly
  • Wear high-quality masks
  • Cover sneezes and coughs
  • Properly ventilate indoor spaces

Choose LIVV Natural for personalized therapies

Post-COVID-19 is still a significant threat across the globe. Although fatalities have subsided considerably, we’re not out of the woods yet. Caution remains paramount. Don’t throw the WHO-recommended preventative measures into the bin yet.

Long COVID is the new menace in town. It manifests as persistent symptoms of the original COVID-19 virus or emerging signs. Common indicators include dizziness, fatigue, chest pain, shortness of breath, and heart palpitations.

Besides inventing vaccines and boosters, scientists aren’t resting to find natural cures. Some of the recommendations tabled are peptide therapies. Popular peptides and antioxidants include Wolverine Protocol, glutathione, NAD+, and LL-37.

These treatments may supplement your body’s immunity and antioxidant levels. They might reverse the harmful effects of COVID-related oxidative stress. They could also cut the replication of viral cells, reducing the severity of COVID-19.

Are you experiencing lasting long COVID symptoms? What are you waiting for?

Schedule a consultation with us today to discuss your wellness goals. Our peptide therapy naturopaths will go over your symptoms and customize your treatment.

Author: Dr. Jason Phan NMD – Founder of LIVV Natural – Anti-aging – regenerative medicine – peptide therapy