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skin care
The Importance of Water & Optimized Hydration
Water is unique and vital for all life Water (H2O) - molecules composed of two hydrogen atoms and one oxygen atom - makes up about 71% of the earth’s surface...
Cold Exposure, It’s Snow Beneficial
What is cold exposure? Cold exposure – you’ve likely heard about it or tried it yourself in some way or another. Not only is it a fun activity, such as...
Providing Psoriasis Relief Through Ozone Therapy
Approximately 7.5 million Americans battle psoriasis every day and it's tough. The red patches with silvery scales aren't always easy to cover up. People stare and distance themselves while others...
What Is a PRP Facial? How Does it Work?
For hundreds of years, humanity has been preoccupied with the search for the fountain of youth. We all love a youthful appearance that shows our natural glow from within, but...