What is testosterone?
What is low testosterone?
Symptoms of a testosterone deficiency
How is low testosterone diagnosed?
How common is low testosterone in males?
The causes of low testosterone
Treatment for low testosterone
Are there natural ways to treat testosterone deficiency?
What difference will optimal testosterone levels make?
Get your groove back with LivvNatural
What is low testosterone, and what are the consequences? As you get older, it’s normal for your testosterone levels to drop gradually. While you may feel fine, over time it can put a strain on your body.
Most men with low testosterone levels are asymptomatic. However, if left untreated, it can cause infertility, loss of muscle mass, and lower sex drive.
The good news is you don’t have to let your testosterone levels affect you. There are treatments available. We have natural solutions to rebalance your hormones and get your energy levels back.
But first, let’s gain a clearer understanding of testosterone—what it is and how it impacts your body. We’ll also explore possible ways to gain some balance.
What is testosterone?
Testosterone (T) is the main sex hormone in males. It helps build masculine characteristics and muscle growth.
The first effects of testosterone are evident during fetal development. At around week 7 in utero, the Y chromosome develops the sex-related gene. It triggers the growth of the testicles.
Once the male urogenital tract is formed, testosterone becomes dihydrotestosterone (DHT). It starts the formation of the prostate and male external genitalia.
The pituitary gland controls the production of testosterone. It’s a crucial contributor to male development. It releases luteinizing hormones (LH) consistently over a period. This process stimulates the regular production of T.
The testes receive the signal from the pituitary gland to start producing testosterone. This feedback loop is responsible for the necessary balance of the hormones in the blood.
Problems arise when the pituitary gland or testes cannot send or receive the signal. A range of medicinal conditions can slow down, speed up, or offset the hormonal balance.
Testosterone is an essential hormone that plays a number of important duties:
- Develops muscles and strength
- Maintains normal mood function
- Facial hair and pubic hair during puberty and balding in later life stages
- Sperm production
- Developing the penis and testes
- Bone development
- Deepening of the voice during puberty
What is low testosterone?
Low testosterone occurs when the testicles don’t produce enough of the hormone. Also known as male hypogonadism, this condition has many possible causes and symptoms.
Testosterone production naturally drops with age. However, it’s a gradual decline, unlike the sudden estrogen drop associated with menopause.
The American Urological Association notes that 40% of males over 45 have low testosterone.
When your physician finds the hormone levels are too low, it’s concerning. They may diagnose Testosterone Deficiency Syndrome (TD) or Low testosterone (Low T).
TD is also called male menopause, andropause, and testosterone deficiency. The condition involves low testosterone levels. It’s typically associated with a specific disease or health condition.
So, at what level is testosterone considered low?
According to the American Urology Association (AUA), TD and Low T are defined as less than 300 nanograms of testosterone per deciliter. One study outlines that normal levels are between 300 to 1,000 nanograms per deciliter.
Symptoms of a testosterone deficiency
Testosterone deficiency (TD) may be asymptomatic in otherwise healthy individuals. When left untreated, you could experience these typical TD symptoms:
- Patchy or slow-growing beard
- Low mood or depression
- Erectile dysfunction/ reduced erectile functionality
- Lack of body hair
- Obesity or being overweight
- Low sex drive
- Chronic fatigue
- Loss of lean muscle mass
Some symptoms of testosterone deficiency are also associated with other conditions. Here are a few common examples:
- Problems with focusing
- Difficulty finding words when speaking
- Reduced endurance and physical strength
- Trouble remembering
- Reduced output at work
- Low energy levels
Don’t panic if you only have one or a few of these symptoms. For example, sometimes a low sex drive or reduced energy can be an environmental problem.
Having a mixture of a few signs from both lists can be a cause for concern. Speak to a professional about what you’re experiencing.
The earlier treatment begins, the better your chances of preventing negative symptoms.
How is low testosterone diagnosed?
To diagnose low testosterone, doctors typically use a blood test. It’s called the serum testosterone test.
It’s a simple blood test that’s usually done early in the morning. You will have a tube of blood taken from a vein in your arm or finger.
Tell your doctor if you take any drugs or herbal remedies. Some medicines can affect your test results.
They usually do the test in the morning. That’s when your testosterone range is the highest. They extract a tube of blood from a vein in your arm or finger.
You may feel a little sting, but it’s nothing major. The process is typically completed in less than 5 minutes.
Aside from the serum testosterone test, there’s also the luteinizing hormone and blood prolactin level. They provide similar results on the levels of the hormone in your body.
Testosterone attaches to proteins in the blood. Some forms float freely throughout the body. There are two main types of testosterone that doctors test for:
- Free testosterone: This version is not attached to proteins. Physicians typically measure it when trying to rule out specific medical conditions.
- Total testosterone: The final number of testosterone that’s present in the blood proteins and the ones that float freely.
Before a blood test, doctors perform a physical exam and conduct a lifestyle analysis. A 2021 study mentioned alcohol, smoking, and a sedentary way of life are linked to low T.
Men who meet the level that testosterone is considered low (less than 300 nanograms) have TD. Doctors reach this diagnosis based on the test. They determine the cause based on lifestyle factors.
How common is low testosterone in males?
Approximately two out of every 100 men may have a testosterone deficiency. One in every four American men over the age of 30 experiences TD.
It’s more likely to affect older males as 50% of men over 80 years might have this issue. Rarely, around 1% of younger men may experience a testosterone deficiency.
Testosterone deficiency occurs more frequently in men who are overweight or have diabetes.
The causes of low testosterone
Now that you know what low testosterone is, let’s discuss the causes. There are several possible explanations for a drop in T levels. Some are genetic, while others are lifestyle diseases.
Genetic causes
Some people are born with illnesses or genetic causes for TD.
One example is Klinefelter syndrome. It’s a genetic condition that causes a man to be born with an extra X chromosome. Usually, males have only one X and one Y chromosome.
Another genetic condition that causes low testosterone is Noonan syndrome. It manifests as heterogeneous phenotypic manifestations that transform as the person gets older. Some telltale features include stunted growth, wide-set eyes, and low-set ears.
Atypical genitalia, also known as ambiguous genitalia. It’s another genetic condition that may cause low testosterone levels. The infant’s genitals are either not fully developed or have the appearance of both sexes.
Chronic infection
During infection, the body drops the production of testosterone. This reaction is a double-edged sword.
On one hand, it helps the body push more energy towards fighting off the intruders. On the other hand, testosterone has anti-inflammatory effects. Low T makes you prone to mass inflammation (cytokine storm).
Let’s discuss some of the infections that may cause a testosterone drop.
Epstein-Barr virus (EBV)
According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), the human herpesvirus 4, EBV, is one of the most common viruses worldwide. In fact, over 90% of the population has been infected with it. It spreads through bodily fluids, like saliva.
Once you get the EBV infection, it remains dormant in your system for life. Stress, hormonal changes, and a weak immune system may reawaken it. When this happens, your body will use more energy to fight it off.
Doctors diagnose EBV using three test options:
- Viral Capsid Antigen (VCA): Antibodies appear early in infection. One type (anti-VCA IgG) lasts for life and the other (anti-VCA IgM), disappears after a few weeks.
- Early Antigen (EA): This test works for antibodies that appear when the infection is active. Typically, these antibodies disappear after several months.
- EBV Nuclear Antigen (EBNA): Antibodies to EBNA gradually appear after infection. They’re present throughout a person’s life.
Once diagnosed, physicians recommend rest and hydration. There’s no treatment or vaccine for EBV. The doctor will keep track of your symptoms to prepare for any rare complications.
Cytomegalovirus (CMV)
Cytomegalovirus (CMV) is a virus that affects up to 90% of people by the age of 80. It usually doesn’t cause significant problems for people with healthy immune systems. It’s related to common offenders that cause mononucleosis, chickenpox, and herpes simplex.
CMV mostly stays dormant in the body, but it can reactivate. Things like stress, another infection, or aging can awaken it.
People transmit the virus via bodily fluids like semen, urine, breast milk, and tears.
Cytomegalovirus releases a C-reactive protein that encourages inflammation. It’s associated with a higher risk of dementia, vascular diseases, and certain cancers.
C-reactive proteins are associated with low testosterone levels. These proteins are commonly found in aging men with naturally declining ranges.
Higher testosterone levels may protect the body from inflammation. They could prevent the formation of c-reactive proteins.
Herpes simplex virus (HSV) is a common infection spread by skin-to-skin contact. There’s currently no cure, but there are treatments to relieve the symptoms. Herpes falls into one of two categories:
- Type 1 (HSV-1): Spread via oral contact. It infections around the mouth (cold sores or oral herpes). It can also cause genital herpes.
- Type 2 (HSV-2): Spread via sexual contact and causes genital herpes.
In people with healthy immune systems, herpes causes mild symptoms or no symptoms. Over time, it can cause sore ulcers and blisters.
The recurrent painful outbreaks of oral or genital herpes may affect the quality of life.
Currently, there are two top treatments for herpes. Daily antiviral medicines may prevent recurrent outbreaks.
Antiviral medication helps lower the chance of spreading it to others. There are also topical ointments to relieve itching and burning sores.
A study conducted on mice revealed that estrogens enhance the susceptibility to infection. Researchers found that testosterone may suppress HSV-1.
Understanding what low testosterone is and preventing it may suppress herpes flare-ups. The anti-inflammatory nature of this hormone could prevent the recurrence of painful sores.
Chronic inflammation
Chronic inflammation is a long-term condition. It lasts anywhere from several months to years. The extent and severity depend on the cause. Many illnesses can trigger this issue.
According to the World Health Organization (WHO), diabetes affects around 422 million globally. It’s a chronic condition that changes the way your body converts food into energy.
Normally, your body breaks down food into glucose. Then it sends the sugar to your bloodstream. This process signals the pancreas to release insulin.
Insulin acts like a key, granting and refusing access to allow your body’s cells to use the energy.
Diabetes causes the cells to stop responding to insulin. Sometimes the body doesn’t produce sufficient levels of it.
A lack of insulin or cells that won’t respond to it causes excess sugar to remain in your bloodstream. Diabetes can cause kidney disease, vision loss, and heart disease if not treated.
High blood sugar levels have a widespread effect. Diabetes affects your total body function, including your pituitary gland.
Consistent, elevated blood sugar levels affect the pituitary gland. It can’t produce the required amounts of luteinizing hormone. As a result, it fails to provide consistent testosterone ranges.
Men with diabetes may have trouble with maintaining or achieving erections. They may also experience a lack of interest in sexual activities.
Autoimmune disease
An autoimmune disease is when your immune system starts accidentally attacking your body.
The exact cause is unknown. One theory is that certain microorganisms trigger people who are genetically prone. Some viruses and bacteria could cause changes that confuse the immune system.
Common autoimmune diseases include ulcerative colitis, rheumatoid arthritis, Crohn’s disease, and lupus.
Studies reveal that testosterone deficiency is linked to autoimmune disease. It increases inflammatory markers like interleukin-6 (IL-6) and C-reactive protein (CRP).
Inflammation is a trigger for autoimmune diseases. It can worsen symptoms and cause flare-ups.
Testosterone may hold anti-inflammatory properties that could decrease the number of flare-ups. A deficiency in this hormone might also worsen symptoms of autoimmune diseases.
Metabolic syndrome
Approximately one-third of Americans have metabolic syndrome. It’s a cluster of conditions that simultaneously affect your health. It increases your chances of getting stroke, type 2 diabetes, and heart disease.
People with larger waists and excess abdominal fat are at a higher risk. Metabolic syndrome includes symptoms like:
- High blood sugar
- Elevated blood pressure
- Increased cholesterol or triglyceride levels
- Excess body fat around the waist
Having only one of the above symptoms doesn’t mean you have metabolic syndrome. It’s the entourage effect that makes the diagnosis.
Low T is a contributing factor in the diagnosis of metabolic syndrome in men. Studies found that low levels are linked to reduced lean muscle mass and elevated fat mass in men.
Obesity and high insulin (hyperinsulinemia) can drop the production of testicular testosterone production.
Standard American diet (SAD)
Nearly half of the American population faces chronic illnesses linked to poor diet. Cheeseburgers, fries, and soda have replaced nutritious home-cooked meals.
Over 45% of deaths from stroke, diabetes, and heart disease in America are linked to diet. This eating pattern is packed with highly processed foods. They’re high in saturated fats, sodium, and sugar.
Poor diet is responsible for more deaths in America than smoking. The good news is there are easy, natural ways to maintain a healthier way of eating.
Add more veggies, fiber, and lean proteins to your diet. You could also incorporate weight loss treatments like our Livv Body Fat Burner.
Chronic stress is a contributing factor to many of the illnesses we’ve discussed. It also has a direct link to testosterone reduction.
Stress can cause trouble relaxing. A lack of sleep may reduce testosterone by about 15%. However, not all stress is bad. After all, it’s our body’s way of protecting us from harm.
Short-term stress (acute) from things like exercise has a positive hormonal effect. It causes a short-term rise in cortisol and triggers the fight-or-flight response. This effect can stimulate testosterone production and boost mental state.
Long-term or chronic stress is when you’re regularly surrounded by stressful situations. It causes your body to produce excess levels of cortisol. This reaction leads to hormonal imbalances such as testosterone deficiency.
Chronic stress has a full-circle effect. It creates hormonal balances which create other issues that cause stress. For example, it can create testosterone deficiency. It may cause erectile dysfunction, which could lead to more stress.
Chronic stress can also cause sleep apnea, high blood pressure, and unstable insulin.
Treatment for low testosterone
The main treatment for testosterone is Testosterone Therapy (TT). It’s also known as androgen replacement therapy. It involves supplementing with testosterone.
You can also opt for Naturopathic Medicine which has fewer side effects.
Androgen replacement therapy is only suitable for men who are diagnosed with TD. Some people may abuse TT and request scripts once their hormones are normal.
Doctors monitor patients’ levels carefully. They ensure they stop treatment when it’s no longer needed.
One of the possible complications of TT is blood clots. In some people, it can cause the blood to thicken.
Your doctor should regularly check your hemoglobin/hematocrit (Hgb/Hct) levels. The first test is two to six weeks after you start therapy. They should also do a checkup every six to twelve months while you’re on TT.
How doctors use Testosterone Therapy
Doctors will usually check testosterone levels in people with the following conditions:
- Unexplained anemia
- Diabetes
- Loss of bone density
- Testicular radiation
- Chronic narcotic use
- Pituitary gland illnesses like Cushing’s Syndrome
- Infertility
Doctors may check your T levels if you use corticosteroid medications or chemotherapy.
Going on Testosterone Therapy can be risky for people at risk for heart disease. The risk is only if the T levels are more than normal. Doctors monitor these patients very carefully.
Excess testosterone causes high cholesterol, irregular heartbeat, and increases the risk of stroke.
Once your testosterone levels are normal, doctors will stop TT. Some men have symptoms that don’t repair, even with therapy like hair loss. Try our PRP therapy to trigger growth.
A new diagnosis is required if your T range improves, but you still have symptoms.
Ways to use testosterone
Testosterone typically comes in five forms. All the methods are effective. Your insurance provider may only allocate for certain types of TT. You may be able to choose the one that suits your preferences.
Let’s unpack the five main testosterone therapy forms:
- Transdermal: Topical applications that come in the form of patches, liquids, creams, and gels. They absorb better through the skin when you cover them with water or air-tight dressing. The effects last around four days.
- Injection: There are short-acting and long-acting testosterone injections. The doctor gives the short–acting one under the skin or into the muscle. The long-acting medication requires muscle insertion. It’s usually given weekly, biweekly, or monthly.
- Oral/buccal: This is a slow-acting tablet that you place into your mouth above your incisor. It comes in a patch that looks like a pill. Don’t swallow or chew it as it’s released over 12 hours to prevent harmful side effects.
- Intranasal: Pump the required dose of gel into each nostril the same way you would any nasal spray. This form is usually taken thrice daily until the condition is resolved.
- Pellets: Your doctor places these pellets under the skin on your upper buttocks or hip. They may administer mild anesthesia to numb the area. Thereafter, they’ll make a small cut and put the pellets under the skin. It dissolves slowly and lasts for 3–6 months.
Are there natural ways to treat testosterone deficiency?
Testosterone therapy is an efficient treatment. It can render unwanted side effects like enlarging breasts and sleep apnea.
There are alternative ways to increase your testosterone levels. We recommend a combination of TT and natural solutions.
Our doctors offer testosterone replacement therapy to improve men’s health and hormones. We don’t just leave it there.
We work with you to improve your lifestyle and nutrition. You can naturally regenerate your body’s ability to create testosterone.
Here are three natural ways you can boost your levels of this crucial hormone:
1. Exercise
Increased activity is beneficial for a number of conditions. It can prevent many lifestyle diseases that lead to low testosterone.
Exercise may boost your testosterone levels, but not all workouts are equal. Resistance training, like weightlifting, is best. It helps you develop more lean mass, which promotes the production of testosterone.
High-intensity interval training (HIIT) may also be beneficial. It creates a short-term stress response. It boosts cortisol temporarily and may increase testosterone production.
Any type of exercise is beneficial, especially for individuals with sedentary lifestyles. Ideally, you should aim to workout 3 times a week to give your body time to rest. Allowing your muscles time to repair is essential to building lean muscle mass.
2. Eat a balanced diet
As previously discussed, SAD wreaks havoc on your hormones. It causes a range of conditions that lower testosterone. One of the most important things to include in your nutrition is protein.
Protein reduces fat loss and helps maintain testosterone levels. However, you shouldn’t go overboard and start slamming down the chicken breasts.
High-protein diets may cause reduced testosterone levels. Overeating can also disrupt your hormonal balance and drop your T range.
Include healthy fats to maintain hormonal balance. Many people believe it’s bad and remove it from their diet completely.
You could also incorporate vitamins to ensure you’re not deficient in anything else. Check out our Vitamin Shot Bar for convenient options.
Low-fat diets drop testosterone levels. They may cause an array of other issues with inflammation and mental state. The key is to use healthy sources like avocados, nuts, and fatty fish.
Carbs aren’t the enemy either. Low-carb diets may drop your testosterone and send your hormones into a frenzy. Have a balanced plate of healthy fats, lean proteins, carbs, and loads of veggies.
3. Minimize stress
Long-term stress can lead to elevated cortisol levels for extended periods. It can drop your testosterone levels and cause other health conditions.
High cortisol levels can lead to weight gain and poor blood sugar control. With the busy lives most people lead, it can be difficult to control stress.
Exercise releases endorphins which can reduce stress. Meditation and mindfulness may also help keep it under control.
Ensure you get enough sleep. At least seven hours is crucial for adequate testosterone development.
What difference will optimal testosterone levels make?
Many people with low testosterone think if they don’t feel sick with TD, there’s no need to treat it. The reality is, once you get your levels up again, you’ll surely feel the difference.
Let’s discuss some of the changes you can expect with optimal testosterone levels.
1. Boost in sex drive
Testosterone replacement therapy stimulates the androgen receptors in your brain. They’re responsible for controlling desire. It can also make your erections more satisfying.
An increase in testosterone may elongate erections. It could relieve the symptoms of erectile dysfunction. This benefit only applies if low testosterone is the cause of the condition.
2. Bring on the gains
An increase in testosterone may activate the androgen receptors in the muscle tissue. It can increase lean muscle mass and boost strength and endurance.
You only experience the muscle-gaining qualities of testosterone replacement therapy from exercise.
Strength training and weightlifting are excellent options for awakening dormant muscles and gains. Testosterone may also boost motivation, helping you stick to your workout plan.
3. Energy boost
Many men with low testosterone complain of low fatigue. Increasing your levels of this crucial hormone may help you feel more energized. It could also improve your stamina.
There’s no sure answer for why testosterone boosts energy. It may be because it triggers your mitochondria to produce energy within the cells. Another explanation is it gives your androgen receptors the input they were craving.
Get your groove back with LivvNatural
Testosterone is an essential hormone. It helps men build masculine traits and maintain sexual virility. It’s normal for the levels to drop as you age. You can apply natural preventatives like exercise and a wholesome diet.
Testosterone deficiency may be asymptomatic but when left untreated, there are signs. Symptoms include lack of body hair, low sex drive, and low energy. TD is defined as men with levels below 300 ng/dl.
Many factors can lead to testosterone deficiency, including chronic inflammation, infection, and genetics. Poor diet and stress can also cause hormonal imbalances and other illnesses.
There are natural solutions like exercise, a balanced diet, and controlling stress. To increase and maintain levels, use testosterone replacement therapy and make lifestyle changes.
Book an appointment with us and let us help you get your spark back. We offer testosterone replacement therapy and guidance on naturally improving your hormones.
Author: Dr. Jason Phan NMD – Founder of LIVV Natural – Anti-aging – regenerative medicine – peptide therapy